If we examine the geopolitical, cultural, and environmental challenges we’re facing, and trace these problems back to their origins, it eventually becomes clear that they haven’t just “happened”—we created them. In our quest for a better quality of life, we made growth a mantra, consumption a duty, and waste an afterthought. The seismic cultural shift that occurred as a result led to an explosion of economic growth, but this success has come at a price. We can no longer ignore the basic facts that stand before us:
Global Rise of Population: In 2011, the world population reached 7 billion. Increasing by about 70 million people every year, the world population has doubled in the past 45 years and is projected to reach 9 billion by mid-century. Rapid population expansion has serious consequences for the planet.
Resource Depletion: Renewable resources are being exhausted at an alarming rate and non-renewable resources are growing more difficult to extract and more expensive. The end of affordable fossil fuels combined with deforestation, soil depletion, and water scarcity will present major challenges in the years ahead if we do not make more aggressive efforts to conserve natural resources and develop alternative sources of energy.
The main aim of the training is to upgrade the sustainability competencies of the participants viewed from three different perspectives – environment, business and society, as well to contribute for better understanding of the specific objectives regarding the benefits from eco-consciences behavior within the company and in the everyday life. At the same time the aim is not only to share knowledge, but also give practical advices on possibility to develop sustainable patterns and to encourage participants to attempt to introduce sustainable development in the companies they work in.
At the end of this course the participants will be able to:
The courses content is structured around following the main themes:
The one day sesion is design to deliver the following: